New Book Helps Small Nonprofits Build Better Images
Released on = August 18, 2007, 5:55 pm
Press Release Author = BoysMind Books
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = A guide for nonprofit corporate secretaries and administrative assistants. Learn how to build a first class image on a third rate budget.
Press Release Body = GRAND HAVEN, MI-AUGUST 20, 2007-A new comprehensive guidebook for volunteer secretaries of small nonprofit organizations called \"Solutions for Secretaries of Small NPO's,\" is subtitled "A guide for nonprofit corporate secretaries and administrative assistants. Learn how to build a first class image on a third rate budget."
The new book provides solutions for the dilemma that often stymies small organizations; while little money can be allocated for administrative functions and image-building, weakness in these areas restrains success and growth by limiting volunteer interest and fundraising effectiveness. Information includes everything from how to form a nonprofit corporation and receive IRS recognition without expensive professional assistance, to governance and parliamentary best practices, fundraising, membership recruitment and retention, volunteer recruitment, and practical approaches to the development of low cost but highly effective desktop publishing and graphics arts capabilities.
The book is supported by its own companion website, offering an extensive collection of free downloads, including templates for documents and forms, layouts for desktop publishing projects such as newsletters, patterns for graphic arts projects, and even a fully developed membership database application. The website also hosts a forum where readers can discuss issues and share ideas with the author and each other.
ABOUT AUTHOR: Gene Warner has worked as a self-trained, self-employed electronics engineer/entrepreneur for over thirty years. He is the founder of Warner Instruments, provider of special purpose temperature controls and alarm systems to industry under the well-known FireRight Controls brand name, since 1976. Now semi-retired, he has turned his attention to volunteer work, serving during the past few years on boards and committees of small nonprofit organizations, and lending his experience as a practical and resourceful innovator to show how these small groups can more effectively leverage their limited financial and experiential resources.
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Contact Details = Gene L Warner BoysMind Books PO Box 604 Grand Haven, MI 49417-0604 Toll-Free: 877-842-7658 Email: Internet:
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